Saturday, September 13, 2014

Movement Towards Higher Energy Efficiency

We built our off-grid homestead and beeswax candle workshop, powered by the sun, over a year ago
We have in floor heating and heat with an outdoor wood boiler.

We have now combined our solar energy and wood-powered in-floor heating, also powered by the sun, to create an even more efficient beeswax melting tank system.

We've taken another step for energy efficiency and have just modified our wax tanks to be even more efficient with our solar energy system. They will continue to run on solar energy and will also be boosted by our in-floor heating system that is heated by our outdoor wood furnace, also, ultimately powered by solar energy. This means less use of our battery back ups when the sun decides to stay behind the clouds and the horizon for longer periods of time between about October and February. We're heating the house and workshop anyway so it makes sense to share that heat with the wax tanks.

If you ever find yourselves up in our neck of the woods, please give us a call to schedule a tour of our tiny solar-powered workshop in the woods! We'd love to see you. And please let us know when we can send out your next order of our Scent from Nature; 100% Pure Beeswax Candles. We sell online!