The Scent from Nature; 100% Pure Beeswax Candles are labeled and packaged in our workshop overlooking the beautiful Oake Lake. This morning's sunrise was inspiration for the day.
The fragrance from our hand-crafted beeswax candles is “Scent from Nature”, meaning the wax comes straight from the hive and nothing is added along the way. We pride ourselves in making only beeswax candles “Scent from Nature” with absolutely no additives. 100% Beeswax Candles provide a natural light that lasts much longer than that of other wax candles. 100% Beeswax Candles are dripless and smokeless making them the perfect choice for a toxic-free environment. Our candles are crafted using power from the SUN! “Calm, Clean and Green”. A Blue Shadow Enterprises, LLC product, Hovland, MN.