Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Exciting Announcement!

Many, many thanks to Jeff and Vaughan at Halogen Web Studios for their excellent service, product, advice, design, and most of all, patience. This has been a long process but was very much worth it! We're so happy with the website. Please check it out and let us know what you think.

North Woods Garden Update

Citronella to keep the skeeters away
My porch container garden. I will no longer refer to it as my "pot" garden. That was getting far too many raised eyebrows.

Lemongrass to keep the skeeter away. Do you see a theme here?

In addition to citronella and lemongrass, we've got rosemary, sage, lavender, lettuce, mint, lemon thyme, and bee balm.
Zucchini has been planted in the straw bales

Stair step containers contain lettuce, beets, carrots and zucchini

Four varieties of organic, heirloom tomatoes
It's looking like summer!

Straw bales have been planted!

Straw bales - zucchini, peas, beans, melon, potatoes and broccoli. I think it's broccoli. When I planted the seeds I didn't distinguish it between the Kale and now they look identical so we'll see!